Summer is approaching and when it's summer us girlies literally go into summer mode, and so I've picked out these five gorgeous nail polishes, they are all Barry M because I had a huge clear out and binned most of my nail polishes that hadn't been used for years and now im left with about 30 which is a lot of nail polishes but for someone who used to have like close to 100 it's a lot less, anyway back on to topic, the only light summery shades I had were by this brand therefore I decided to make this a Barry M Summer nail polishes post.
I tend to stay far away from these light pastel shades because i'm definitely a sucker for dark shades, browns and blacks dominate my collection I just think they suit me and my skin tone a lot more, unless I'm wearing Revlon's tropical temptation/coral, they are the perfect coral shades. But yes sometimes I think it's good to switch up and I'm going to make myself physically paint my nails in one of these shades because I think they look so lovely and clean, especially when I catch a nice glow they can look nice.
If I picked a favourite from these five it would have to be 'Berry' which is on the far right, this is probably the perfect purple shade for me, because it's such a soft colour rather than in your face. I do really want to try wearing white on my nails both fingers and toes, but I've tried it before and it went horribly wrong, I think you have to have a good nail painting skill to paint white polish. I am also looking to start getting manicures and pedicures, so maybe this will be a good time to have it done.
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