Hello my lovely readers, hope your all well, I've come to you all with a fashion wishlist post, probably not too summer related because it involves a jacket and some dungaree jeans, but I thought because I'm back from my summer holiday now, I don't really want to buy anymore summer clothes because I live in London and chances are it'll pee down everyday and I don't want to waste my money on clothes I will not wear for another year. What I did forget to mention though is that this is a Topshop Wishlist. I was in Topshop today and had eyes for all these pieces but all together and it was possibly be a little bit too much money to spend all in one go, and anyway it's another post for all of you. I hope you like these pieces and find some inspiration your selves. I'd really like to know what you wishing for, so pop the links in the comment and i'll take a look.

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