I've been nominated for The Liebster Award, by The Chic Times Magazine, so thank you so much. The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers with under 200 followers, it's brilliant to get to know new and up coming bloggers and I'm so thankful I was nominated. It basically involves answering a set of questions, nominating 11 bloggers and giving them a new set of questions to answer.
1. What inspired you to start your blog?
I originally started my blog because I was so into fashion and beauty and not a lot of my friends really was interested or wanted to listen to be honest and I always really loved reading blogs and thought what a good way of giving my opinions of products and actually have someone think the same and connecting with people from all over the world and making new friends with the same interests.
2. What is your favourite blog post you've written and why?
I don't think I have one particular blog post I favour but I do love when I wrote about fashion week and showed my street style photography with you all, writing about fashion events makes me really happy and makes me feel involved in a community.
3. Describe your dream vacation.
This is super hard for me because I love beach holidays but I love city holidays too because I'm a London city girl. I'm just going to say because it's my dream to travel around south-east Asia and go to Thailand, and I really want to visit a waterfall and spend all day there and have so much fun and be with really good friends and eat good food.
4. Tell us one random fact about yourself.
I hate milk.
5. Who is your favourite blogger and why?
Fashion Filth, love her blog and YouTube (SototallyVlog) channel, she's super quirky and stylish and she looks like a fun person.
6. What is your favourite movie?
This is so hard! but I'd have to say Titanic, or pretty woman.
7. What are your favourite type of blog posts to write?
Events posts such as fashion week or photography posts.
8. What is your ultimate 'pick-me-up' when you are feeling down?
One Direction.
9. Name 3 things on your bucket list.
- Go to London, New York, Paris, Milan fashion week (if possible, please!)
- Travel around America
- Photograph Victoria secret models (unrealistic, I know, we can always hope)
10. Describe your fashion.
My style is never the same, depends how I feel when I wake up but its super simple most of the time.
11. What is a beauty product you would repurchase again and again?
Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet Foundation, it's the best.
I Nominate:
- What three items do you always carry in your handbag?
- Who is your Fashion Icon?
- Favourite Instagramer?
- If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
- Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
- Who is your favourite blogger?
- London, Paris or New York?
- Favourite blog post you've written?
- One word to describe your blog?
- An item your currently lusting over?
- Why do you love about blogging?
If you choose to accept this nomination, here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their blog.
- Answer the questions you have been asked.
- Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers on twitter.
- Ask them 11 questions of your own.
- Notify them that they have been nominated.
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