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Fashion | Mono Retro Flares

Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Trousers - Missguided Top - River Island  Cardi - Missguided Hat - H&M Sunglasses - Camden Lock I really want to get into snapping up some style posts because they are my favourite but I get really lazy and as I have a proper full time job it's hard for me to get time to prep and picture these type of posts but I received a couple of new items in the post after doing some...

Travel Vlog | Rome 2015

Hello my lovelies, I've finally been able to edit and upload my Rome vlog to YouTube, which i'm stoked about because I've wanted you all to see it and now you finally can, so I hope you enjoy and please if you pop over the YouTube, I'd love it if you could Subscribe to my channel, because i'd love to make more videos and even do some daily. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!. Street...

Billboard Music Awards Best & Worst

Monday, 18 May 2015
Best Kylie Jenner - Kylie has always been a style inspiration for me as I love absolutely everything she wears and although I wouldn't particularly wear this outfit myself because it isn't my type of dress I definitely think she looks beautiful and pulls it off. I also love how simple and sophisticated Kylie's hair and makeup has been done, otherwise if she would of had a bold eye and lip...

Cannes Film Festival '15 Best & Worst Dressed

Thursday, 14 May 2015
It's that time again where we can feast our eyes on some beautiful dresses and dreamy looking woman, where they dress up for the international Cannes Film Festival. I love these type of events, because my favourite type of posts to write what are my best and worst dressed. I've got three good and two bad for you today which is good because it's better to have more bests that worsts, right? Good, well...

Current Likes & Dislikes

Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Hello everyone, I think it's time for another post and I haven't done a particular post like this in a while and I thought that it would be a great time to do one. A Likes and Dislikes post. I haven't got too many products to show you just because I don't have a big enough beauty/skincare routine or interest to buy too many products to figure out whether I like them or not so I've just picked out...

My Go To Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Thursday, 7 May 2015
Hey! So I thought I would do something a little different for you all, that will take your attention away from fashion and on to something a little more yummy. Yes I do mean food. I've been trying to get myself into a habit of eating more decently, I'd say healthy but I just can't completely change my diet to healthy, it just doesn't work for me. So what I thought i'd do, is a little food/eating post...

May Haul '15

Wednesday, 6 May 2015
So I've been back down to Oxford Street today in London if you not to sure where that is, mainly because I had to return an item to Zara but then I ended up spending a little bit too, which I probably shouldn't of done, but my wardrobe is hugely depressing me at the moment and I feel like it needs switching up, even though I've just went out and brought four black items, so it doesn't really...

Met Gala Best & Worst Dressed

Tuesday, 5 May 2015
I love it when a big event happens in the fashion industry because it's the perfect time to write a post and I feel like i've just written this post about last years Met Gala but now it was 2015s time to have a go, and i'm back with my best and worst post, I hope you enjoy and comment who you best and worst dressed was. Best Sarah Jessica Parker - I feel like although this was one of the...

Trends Noticed on the Highstreet SS15

Monday, 4 May 2015
Hello everyone I'm back with a proper post, I say 'proper', because I feel like I haven't done a written post for a while, it's just been a few photos here and there. So I'm back with a proper post as I have just said at the beginning. I love the high-street because you can find so many cool, exciting pieces, although saying that I also do like designer, however I haven't the money to splash out of...