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Zayn Quits the Band?

Friday, 27 March 2015
  Hello my lovelies, so this isn't something I would usually do but as it's hurt alot of people out there and myself I thought why not. So Zayn Malik recently decided to part with the One Direction boys and take his own road in life, which leading up to this I always had it in the back of my mind. Having been to all the One Direction tours i've had the privillege of watching the boys perform...

Boux Avenue Summer Launch Party

Wow it's been quite a while since I actually sat down to right a blog post, (well it feels quite long) but as I attended a pretty snazzy event last night I thought it was about time to do a blog post. But first the reason why I haven't been posting is because my poor little laptop broke and i've been left stranded but I'm now having to use my dads which he doesn't know but lets keep that...

Rome Haul | Street Or Chic

Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Hello Everyone! So as you may know if you've seen my previous post i've just recently come back from a lovely weekend away in Rome and I did a little bit of shopping, who doesn't? I didn't realise how much I actually got until i put it all together but I got some cool interesting makeup and beauty bits and then also a few clothes and bags! If you'd like to see me review any of the products or style...

Travel | Rome & Naples Photo Diary

Monday, 16 March 2015
Hello everyone! So yesterday I arrived back in London from a lovely weekend away in Rome with my mum and it was lovely to get away and I would love to say, I am truly relaxed but I'm not, it took almost every little inch of energy from my bones, that I've had to lay in bed all day today. I took plenty of photos as I thought it would be great to share them with you and I did also film a lot of footage...

Update | Italy, Hail Style and Life

Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Hello my lovelies, so at the beginning of this week, I said I'd have a post every day up until Thursday, I haven't exactly kept to that, so I'm sorry but I have been super busy with work (stress of not being a full time blogger) and I'm off to Italy tomorrow so I've been getting a lot of things done, which unfortunately is my excuse for not posting. I thought it'd be good for me to just do a quick,...

Beauty | Revolution "The ONE Blush Stick" **

Monday, 9 March 2015

Wearing the Product

Hello my lovelies, so I'm back for another fun blog post filled week, however once we get to Friday I will not have a post up until Monday as I will be away in Rome, Italy, which I am looking very much forward to, I will be taking plenty of pictures of the sites and my outfits, as well as vlogging because I just want to share with you all my time in Rome, and I hope you'll enjoy it too. But for today I have a review post, I will be reviewing the Make Up Revolution London "The ONE Blush Stick", and I was sent this by the lovely team over at, which is for beauty bloggers, so if your interested in reviewing products then head over to there.

I was really happy when I saw what the product was because it looked like a great highlighter. Bearing in mind it explains on the packaging that it's for cheeks and lips, I knew I would definitely use this for my cheek bones. When it comes to using products such as bronzers, blushers and highlighters I usually side with the power products just because they are a little easier to use and because I always wear a powder, I thought it was only right too. However I think cream products such as these one always give that more natural look which is great for the spring/summer time because we don't want to look caked, instead we want that more natural look with a brightener.

I love wearing a highlight because it always brightens the face up and makes you look fresh, and even if I got to the gym or for a run, this is a great product because it makes you look bright and awake. This particular one is in the shade 'dream' and it's got a slight pinky reflex in it, so if your into wearing pink blushes this is perfect. You can use this product straight from the pot dry for a lot more of a high intensity colour finish, or you can wet it a little for a slightly more sheer look. It's also quite pigmented, so you can tell this is a better quality product.

Great, so I hope you enjoyed this post and just a quick disclaimer, I have been sent this product but all opinions are entirely my own, if I didn't like this product then I would of stated so, but luckily enough I actually loved it and think it will be a must have in my everyday make up routine once spring starts. If this sounds like your cup of tea then do go a head and try it yourselves!

Fashion | Personal Style - The 60s

Thursday, 5 March 2015
I've only spoken very vaguely about what my personal style consists of. I've never really gone into detail as the blog isn't as much about me personally, as it's more about other people, however as I am going to expand the blog to personal style posts I thought why not speak about myself, and what I like. I absolutely love 60s style, I think it's glamorous, girly and hot! Everything about the 60s...

Fashion | Culottes Craze

Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Being at Fashion Week means you see all the latest and future trends to hit us, you don't need to be sitting in a run way show to observe this, because the best way to see it is street style and it's no ticket required to stand in Somerset House while Fashion Week commences, and that's one of my favourite things to do, because my inspiration comes from people on the streets rather than whats on the...

Beauty | Febuary Favourites

Monday, 2 March 2015
It's that time of the month again when we all quickly post our Monthly Favourites, but as I am so behind, your getting this a couple of days late, which is fine because you have it now. I thought I'd keep it short but sweet, basically everything I use, I've been using for months so I'm not going to have tons of the same stuff in every favourites post because it'll get annoying, so these are some...