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Model Takeover #2 - Kendall Jenner

Sunday, 21 December 2014
Back again after a long time of no posting, it's just such a busy time and it feels so good to just sit down and have some time to write some stuff for you. It would really be a miracle if I could do this as a career, I'd love it! But unfortunately im not that advanced or shall I say liked to make this my full time job. I have another model takeover for you today and she's one of my favourite...

Model Takeover #1 - Gigi Hadid

Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Are you all ready my lovely, amazing readers, because it's time for model takeover to begin. To be honest you probably reading this thinking "what is the crazy girl going on about", and your probably right, there's no flash, fancy personal interviews with the ladies, which I wish there was, maybe one day, but just me giving you a little insight into my favourite models of the moment and a few of...

Fashion | Victoria Secrets 2013 Past Highlights

Monday, 1 December 2014
So as the Victoria Secret Fashion Show comes closer I thought what a better time to look over the past shows, but focusing on last years in 2013, because it was my favourite show they've done because obviously it just gets better every single year, and it's not stopping. 2014 will definitely be the year to remember or shall I say the best so far. If you didn't already know the show has been...