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Travel | Zakynthos

Tuesday, 26 August 2014
I travelled to Zakynthos at the beginning of the month, more known as Zante, which if you've heard of it before which you probably have, you must think its related to Laganas the party town, but no. This was my forth time on the island, strictly a relaxing, family holiday. Truth is we just love it, it's an incredibly beautiful island with lots to see, the first two years were packed...

Beauty | Chanel Ofcourse?

Monday, 25 August 2014
1. Perfection Lumiere Velvet 2. COCO Mademoiselle 3. Vitalumiere Compact Douceur   So I recently, or shall I say at the beginning of the month travelled to Greece for my yearly summer family holiday, and although I adore the family time, sometimes I think the best part of the holiday is actually the travelling as I get to spend some money on the makeup counters in the airport. I travelled...

Update | SORRY!

It's been far too long guys, but I am back and ready to get up a good load of posts. I have been extremely busy with college, work and everyday life which hasn't given me a whole lot of time to write on the blog. So I am very sorry to the regular readers that did come to the blog everyday, even though I never had any followers, and come back on today to find I have two followers, so thank you...